How to Live an Extraordinary Life

Kin Lam
2 min readJun 2, 2023

Success leaves clues!!! Tony Robbins

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered why some people can live such an extraordinary life?

Do you feel you wanted more out of life and you needed a breakthrough?

Well, it is never too late to pursue your dream and make it a reality.

Here is how…

Know what you want

Do you know what you want? Not what your parents want, not what things others posted on their Facebook or Instagram, but what you really want.

Ask yourself — what makes my heart sing? what puts a smile on my face? what gives me joy? what am I passionate about?

Bias toward action

Knowing what you want is only the first step, action is what makes dreams become a reality.

Nothing happens until you act.

Start taking the first step toward your goals.

Write them down, do research, and start talking to people.

Get the momentum going while you are on fire.

Keep showing up

Schedule time to work on your dream every day.

Duration is not important, consistency is the key. Even 15 minutes is better than nothing.

Each day you skip makes the next time you work on it harder.

But if you work on it every day, it will become a habit that you will do it automatically.

Getting feedback and pivot

Planning is what counts; a plan is nothing.

Nothing is ever working out as we planned. Things change and shit happens.

Observed to see what works and what doesn’t, then change and adapt accordingly.

Never Give Up

Remember why you are pursuing this in the first place — because you want to live an extraordinary life.

So never give up and keep pushing.



Kin Lam

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