The secret of productivity and fulfillment

Kin Lam
2 min readApr 2, 2024

It is not that complicated…

Want to get more productive and enjoy what you do?

Do you always feel unfulfilled at the end of the day and wish that you can relive it again?

You can do something today that might change your life around. I know it because it has changed mine.

It is simple but not easy — Do One Thing.

Yes, that is it. Do One Thing (DOT).

What is Do One Thing?

It is a decision to do one thing at a time, to determine to live in the present, to slow things down and fully focus on the task at hand, to give full attention to the person you are with, to enjoy dinner time with your family, and most importantly, to practice the presence of mind.

What are the benefits?

You will notice things that you have never noticed before.

You will notice the different flavors of the food you are chewing when you eat without looking at your phone.

When you only work on one task at a time, time seems to fly, and you go into a zone where your productivity soars.

When you give full attention to the person you are with, you become a better listener. You notice the things that were said and unsaid. You will enjoy the conversation more, and your companion will enjoy your company more.

How do you develop this habit?

It starts with intention. Before the day begins, decide that you will practice the presence of mind.

Whatever you do, no matter how insignificant or mundane, refuse to let your mind wander. Pay attention to the activity that you are doing.

Plan your day, and eliminate any activities that are not important.

First, do the most important tasks. Remove all distractions and set an alarm for 25 minutes. Put away your phone if necessary. Work nonstop during this period.

Pracitce the presence of mind is like going to the gym, the more frequent you exercise your muscle, the more developed they are. When you practice DOT until it becomes part of you, it no longer requires effort, and you will wonder how different your life is.

That’s it. This one simple habit can change your life around.

Please let me know if this blog helps you in any way. I am a new write and I love to hear your feedback and how I can improve my writing.

God bless.



Kin Lam

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