Unlocking the secret to joyful life: 3 simple steps

Kin Lam
2 min readOct 9, 2023

“Life is short, and it’s up to you to make it sweet.” — Sarah Louise Delany

Photo by Vicky Hladynets on Unsplash

When was the last time you woke up in the morning with a smile on your face? Or went to bed and told yourself that this is a really good day?

If you have problem remembering moments like that, then you need to add more joy in your life.

Don’t get me wrong, life is messy, I get it. We all have problems in life, whether it is relationship, money, health, or a combination of those. But having problems doesn’t mean you can’t be joyful.

What takes away our joy?

Sometimes, the answers lie in asking the opposite questions. If we want to discover how to be more joyful, it’s essential to identify when we lose our joy.


I’ve noticed that I feel tense and easily irritated when I’m in a rush, racing against time to meet deadlines or trying to juggle too many tasks simultaneously. The antidote to this frantic state is clear: Slow down, stop multitasking, and savor the present moment.

Seeing the glass half-empty

Another telltale sign of losing joy is excessive complaining. Did you know that complaining can be contagious? Engaging in negative conversations can lead to a pessimistic outlook on life. To break free from this cycle, it’s crucial to shift our focus towards positivity and express gratitude for the good things in our lives. Counting our blessings may sound clichéd, but it genuinely works.

Doesn’t know our purpose

I recently came across a heartwarming story of a dessert shop owner and his 90-year-old mother who actively participates in the business. Her independence and mobility at that age are truly inspiring. One of the secrets to their enduring joy is the fulfillment they derive from being useful. Have you ever felt the satisfaction of completing a task that adds value to your life or someone else’s?

How Can We Cultivate More Joy in Our Lives?

Bringing more joy into your life need not be a daunting task. By following these three straightforward steps, you can unlock the secrets to a happier and more fulfilling life:

  1. Slow down and be more mindful. Take the time to appreciate the present moment.
  2. Cultivate gratitude. Focus on the positives in your life and express your thanks.
  3. Stay engaged and be useful. Find purpose in your daily activities, and you’ll discover a profound sense of joy.

Embrace these principles, have fun, be productive, and savor the blessings of a truly joyful life.



Kin Lam

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